3rd Workshop on Home therapies

Saturday 6th December
Σ.3. Quality of life
1. Patient reported experience and outcome measures
2. Employment and social engagement
3. The burden of the treatment
Δ.1. Assisted peritoneal dialysis
Σ.5. Home therapies across the World
1. China
2. New Zealand
3. Spain
Δ.3. United States
Σ.6. Healthcare systems & policies
1. Systems Innovations to Increase Home Dialysis Utilization
2. Effect of Remote and Virtual Technology on Home Dialysis
3. International initiatives and the International Home Dialysis Consortium
Δ.4. System-Level Strategies to Improve Home Dialysis: Policy Levers and Quality Initiatives
Openning ceremony
Σ.4. Clinical outcomes
1. Cardiovascular outcomes
2. Medication and dietary needs
3. Incremental dialysis
Δ.2. Centre expertise and the role of the Interdisciplinary team
1. Shared haemodialysis care
2. RCN accreditation
3. EDTNA-ERCA accreditation
Κ.1. Quality of Care and patient safety in HD Units
1. WHO Quality of Care & patient safety policy
2. The Greek national policy
3. The NHS paradigm
4. The role of Renal registries
5. Patient reported experience and outcome measures
6. Empowering patients to get their voice heard